Free Resources for Working Moms

Podcast Season 1Ā 

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Podcast Season 2

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Take Our Free Quiz to Turn the Motherhood Penalty into Your Greatest Advantage

Find out where the Motherhood Penalty is affecting you the most (career, relationships, mindset, physical or mental health, or finances) and get your custom action plan to turn it into your greatest advantage!

Take the Quiz

Join the Pros&Babes Facebook Group

Join our community on Facebook to connect with likeminded moms in STEM/STEAM careers, while also receiving updates on our upcoming workshops and events.


5-Part Video Series:Ā The 5 Strategies Every STEM/STEAM Mom Needs to Succeed


Watch our 5-part series on Youtube to discuss the 5 strategies every STEM/STEAM mom needs to be crystal clear on to succeed. This series is for pregnant moms, moms on mat leave, and working moms.


Topics include: critical mindset shifts, relationships and intimacy, support systems, career and financial mistakes to avoid, and time management strategies.

OSPE Webinar:Ā Understanding Your Identity and Approaching Balance | ENGtalks

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Interested in More?

Pros&Babes hosts workshops over the year on topics including navigating anxiety and sick days planning for working moms.

Our sessions include guest speakers and professional engineers who share their tips and insights on the topics.