HPV and Cancers: Why you and your children are at risk

Season #1

“Back in the day, having breast cancer was stigmatized to be a shameful thing. Fast forward to today, you can’t even pump gas without seeing a campaign about preventing it. We need to destigmatize HPV because it is a form of cancer as well, but it’s surrounded by so many negative connotations that we can’t have a proper, educational talk about it without those connotations in the back of your mind.”

In this episode, CEO and founder Kinia Romanowska is joined by  Founder and President of HPV Global Action Teresa Norris to discuss her experience in raising awareness on the human papillomavirus, the importance of preventive care, and the solutions available to keep monitoring HPV-related risks in our families and communities.

Combining personal insights with hard facts and numbers, this episode brings you up-to-date information on how to keep you and your family safe against HPV infections and prevent cervical cancer.  

Teresa Norris is a passionate Sexual Health Specialist with over 16 years of experience. She uses evidence-based communication methods and champions disease prevention strategies. Teresa is an expert on HPV issues, offering forward-thinking programs that inform healthy relationships. Teresa and her team work with healthcare professionals, clinicians, and health systems around the world.

Teresa Norris is a longtime sexual health expert and the Founder and President of HPV Global Action, a worldwide network that raises awareness on the human papillomavirus and its risks through education programs and the dissemination of critical, evidence-based knowledge.  Learn more about Teresa’s work with HPV Global Action  www.hpvglobalaction.org

0:00 Intro

1:44 Meet Teresa

2:43 A personal tragedy that became a public health mission 

6:11  How a message can shape health behaviors

8:56 Dispelling misinformation and stigma around HPV

11:01  What you need to know about preventive care

16:58 Tools for keeping your children safe 

25:28  A passionate advocate, a present mother

29:41  Parenting in a pandemic

33:06 Learn more about HPV and how you can stay protected

34:49 Endnotes


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Kinia Romanowska, BA, MA, is a well-traveled award-winning journalist turned entrepreneur, maternity leave strategist, and working parent whisperer. A wife and mom of three passionate about making sure the next generation doesn’t experience the “Motherhood Penalty,” she is the founder and CEO of Pros&Babes and creator of the MoMBA (Mom MBA), the pioneering 360-leadership and personal development program for the busy, ambitious mom in Canada. She is the host of the “Engineer Your Success, Leadership, and Life Harmony #likeamother” podcast.