How overwhelmed moms can turn career setbacks into relaunch opportunities
“During my own podcast, I ask all of my guests, looking back at their setbacks, if they would ever wish that it didn’t happen to them? And not one person has said that they would change it. But why is that? It’s because things happen for you, not to you. And these big changes in your life can really shake up your life, but they also put everything into perspective of the things that are important to you”
In this episode, we talked with award-winning entrepreneur and transformational neuro coach Hilary DeCesare about how the biggest let downs of our careers can light the spark of fresh relaunches and illuminate a path to a more fulfilling life.
Listen in for insights on how to shift your beliefs on losses and setbacks, tap into your full potential and be present as your best, most energized you in your work and family life.
The CEO of the ReLaunch Co, Hilary DeCesare helps executives and women relaunch in either life, business, or in relationships in order to reach their goals and align with their future possibilities. Learn more about Hilary at as well as on her Instagram @therelaunchco.
0:00 Intro
2:52 Meet Hilary DeCesare
3:56 Kids and career: the secret to holding it all together
7:39 The rule of three to tackle overwhelm
10:20 The neuroscience behind goal setting
13:02 Bouncing back after a setback
16:37 A 5.step process to trample self-doubt and find new purpose
22:17 Time to reconnect with your desires
27:22 Connect with Hilary
27:22 Endnotes
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Kinia Romanowska, BA, MA, is a well-traveled award-winning journalist turned entrepreneur, maternity leave strategist, and working parent whisperer. A wife and mom of three passionate about making sure the next generation doesn’t experience the “Motherhood Penalty,” she is the founder and CEO of Pros&Babes and creator of the MoMBA (Mom MBA), the pioneering 360-leadership and personal development program for the busy, ambitious mom in Canada. She is the host of the “Engineer Your Success, Leadership, and Life Harmony #likeamother” podcast.