Engineer the world, your success, and life harmony #likeamother series

Engineer the world, your success, and life harmony #likeamother series

Hosted by: Kinia Romanowska

If you’re a highly educated woman whose identity was defined by her career in STEM or corporate up until you had kids ... and you don’t want to be an exhausted, burnt-out motherhood penalty and million dollar...

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The top tools for managing time and energy as a STEM mom

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How I design my quality time with my kids to avoid feeling "mom guilt"

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This is how I measure my SUCCESS as a working mom

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How the Motherhood Penalty affects your confidence as a working parent and spouse

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Girls can be engineers! Interview with author Jamila Lindo, engineer

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Career management and sanity-preserving strategies for STEM/working moms (STEM Moms Webinars, Session 1)

Catch us live for our next webinar on March 8 or preview our upcoming topics this year by clicking here!
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Is this what's keeping you completely overwhelmed and time-poor, STEM mom?

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The time and energy planning tool my advanced STEM mom students are using right now

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How to respond to sexist comments at work

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How a strong maternity leave communication and action plan can impact your career trajectory

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10 skills that STEM moms bring to work after becoming parents

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How I measure my success as a working mom (and I'll tell you how much others influence me)

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