Engineer the world, your success, and life harmony #likeamother series

Engineer the world, your success, and life harmony #likeamother series

Hosted by: Kinia Romanowska

If you’re a highly educated woman whose identity was defined by her career in STEM or corporate up until you had kids ... and you don’t want to be an exhausted, burnt-out motherhood penalty and million dollar...

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Navigating Anxiety as a Working Mom, with Sarah Hrynew, P.Eng., Kathleen Baker, P.Eng., and Yolanda Saez Castello, EFT Expert

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What your manager isn't telling you about maternity leave

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Should you even care about the million dollar wealth gap that so many moms face?

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The time and energy management shift that CHANGED my mom life

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The budget NO ONE ever talks about - even STEM & STEAM moms

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The secret sauce strategy that STEM moms need for work/life balancing

One of the crucial steps in creating your long game is by doing your 25-year visualisation, to get a vision from the heart. We do these visualisations during our workshops, to help you set your mindset and goals from...
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How to create the ULTIMATE sick days plan as a working parent, with Kirsten Eeuwes, P.Eng.

Working parents often find themselves juggling an overwhelming number of responsibilities. But what about planning for sick days? In this episode, we'll be discussing calendar design and planning for those inevitable...
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